I'm hoping that wherever you are reading these Juicerless recipes, there is a state of peace. And nice weather. I know that that is not possible always and everywhere, but I also know that you have the power to put yourself into a position of appreciation for what you do have in your life, and that peace is a possibility-- the nice weather is harder to command.
In this post we have three distinct recipes, but all connected by the Juicerless Nut Mylk Bag (and the blender). The beverages (carrot-nettle juice and coconut-almond mylk) are pretty simple and straight-forward to make. The fiberlicious carrot cookies are a little more ingredient-complex, but still easy enough that you could make them with your 4-year old. And the cookies and mylk here are truly your friend -- no dairy, no wheat, no eggs, no peanuts, no high fructose sweeteners. I will talk more about the juice after you read through the mylk and cookie recipes:
Fiberlicious Carrot Cookies
Makes 2 dozen
2 cups Carrot pulp (from your juice)
1/2 cup unsweetened, dried shredded Coconut
1/2 cup Coconut pulp (from your mylk)
2 tablespoons Flax meal
1 large Apple, cored
3/4 cup Dried Cranberries
1 cup Almond Pulp (from your Mylk)
1/4 cup Maple Syrup
Combine ingredients in a food processor and process until combined. Use your hands to form two dozen cookies, flattening them as much as possible without breaking apart. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 12-15 hours, turning over once during the drying process.
Coconut-Almond Mylk
We can actually buy this in the stores these days, but you will spend a lot more on it then if you make it yourself. I suggest that you watch Becca's excellent video on how to make nut mylk HERE-- she will answer the questions about how much it costs and all the nutrients you get without the non- and anti-nutrients (yes, even store-bought "health foods" can be a cachement for various things you probably didn't want to eat, such as preservatives and emulsifiers and such.)
Soak 1 C. Raw Almonds in about 2 C. Water overnight or until the Almonds fill the 2-Cup Container. Pour off the soak water. (I generally remove the husks/hulls, but it is not necessary and not everyone has the patience to do that-- I get it).
Put the almonds in the blender and pour over as much water as you wish to have mylk-- 6 cups now, and after you have put some away you can also pour in another 3 or 4 cups. You get to decide whether you want it creamy or thinner.
Strain through a Nut Mylk Bag. Remove the pulp from the bag for the cookies. Set aside.
Part 2-
Using a couple of cups of the Nut Mylk (and without having to wash out the blender) add 1/2 C. of dry, unsweetened, unsulphured Coconut Shreds to the blender and whirl up. Strain. Remove the pulp and set aside for the cookies.
Incorporate the Coconut Mylk and the rest of the Almond Milk, or as much as you wish. This is just fabulous on cereal, in smoothies, and in preparing foods that call for dairy.
The coconut and almonds are both pretty sweet, but you may add sweetener of choice during the blending process. Dates are great as a nut mylk sweetener.
Sting-Me-Sweet Juice
When I was a child growing up on a farm, I cursed the Stinging Nettle that would jump out at me along the pathways and sometimes in a patch of wild strawberries. I had no idea that Stinging Nettles, that grow all over North America apparently, are a potent herb that you can drink as tea in the Spring (when the baby leaves are picked and dried) to take care of allergies and hay fever.
Some conventional herbalists caution against eating "raw" nettles. Others point out that running them up with some fluid in a blender is pretty close to the steaming that is a fairly common way to prepare them as greens.
Our son grew some just out in a front flower bed. I choose only the most tender looking ones, not too many ("less is more" is what my Optimal Breathing coach tells me), and I do wear gloves to pick them, rinse them off, and throw them into the blender.
To make a juice, put your Nettles into 2 cups of water in the blender and spin up.
They also make great compost.
Next Part:
The Carrot Juice:
Wash and peel about 2+ Cups of Carrots.
Chop up and add to the Blender with a couple of cups of filter water.
Blend up. Strain off the juice and remove the pulp (for the cookie recipe).
Carrot juice is sweet and satifying. After you have removed the pulp, you can add the nettle juice in and mix them up together. You might want to add a couple of savoury ingredients of your choice-- perhaps a little savoury or some tamari?
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